Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Test Successful

UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt.
UniCredit Bank Hungary tested its Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP), in addition to testing its Business Continuity Plan (BCP). Both tests were successful.
Tue, 07/05/2013

UniCredit GSS Hungary is please to inform its clients that it has successfully performed the annual DRP testing during the weekend of the 19th to the 22nd April 2013. The main custody systems used by UniCredit GSS Hungary were involved as part of the testing.

In addition to the DRP test, UniCredit Hungary also tested its related BCP procedures with its key personnel at the primary back-up site. All systems were successfully reset from the back-up site and all Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) were met during operating hours.

Impact on investors: As a result of the successful testing of UniCredit Bank Hungary’s DRP and GSS specific BCP, we are pleased to reconfirm that both plans are fully operational and adequately sufficient to restore our core services within the set timeframes (RTO).