Xetra Introduction in Hungary

UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt.
The BSE recently informed the section members and its partners that the Deutsche Börse AG is planning to introduce the Xetra 14.0 release, which affects Hungary since the BSE will be replacing its current trading system with Xetra.
Fri, 03/05/2013

The Deutsche Börse AG plans to introduce the Xetra 14.0 release on 28 October 2013, which will be mandatory for participants in all Xetra markets. This change also affects Hungary as the BSE will replace its trading system from the current MMTS to XETRA during the 4th quarter of 2013 and then the market will go live with the new version.

The new project timeline for Xetra, the scope of the release and the impact on the Xetra Implementation Project, will be introduced at the Xetra Project Member Meeting which is to be held on 14 May 2013. Additionally a new frontend system, CEE Trader, will be implemented for the CEE Stock Exchange Group that will be presented during the above project meeting.

The start of Xetra testing is scheduled for June 2013 in Hungary. The section members will be informed in detail about the simulation schedule at a special event organised by the BSE at the end of May.

Impact on investors: After the XETRA system introduction in Hungary, in the second half of Q4 2013 an integrated trading platform will be used within the CEESEG markets.