Update on penalty reporting

UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt.
MT537 SWIFT reports have been generated for February and March 2022
Wed, 01/06/2022

We would like to inform our clients that in line with the earlier communication (here), KELER has generated the back-dated daily MT537 SWIFT reports for February and March, 2022. The SWIFT penalty reports are expected to be distributed to our clients today in the daily penalty reporting batch at 12:50 CET.

As per current information received from KELER, the MT537 daily reports for April will only be generated if the penalties would differ from the already reported data during the dry run. These reports are expected to be received in the next few days.

The daily SWIFT reports received from KELER will be forwarded to our customers as received and if further reports are generated by KELER in the coming days, they will be distributed as well.

Impact on investors: KELER advised that daily back-dated reports have been distributed to market participants for February and March, 2022.