CDCP Portal - New online communication system
In February 2023, Centrálny depozitár cenných papierov SR, a.s. (CDCP) brought into production a new online communication system - CDCP Portal. Currently, the portal is accessible to the issuers of securities issues only, but in the future, CDCP is planning to further expand the services executed through the system and the portal shall be available also to other capital market participants.
The CDCP Portal allows the processing of all users’ requests in electronic mode. The signing of electronic documents and requests is possible by qualified electronic signatures. The entire communication is encrypted.
Through the new Portal, the issuers of securities may enter into Agreements relating to the securities issues registered in CDCP. They may instruct changes in the issues or submit statement requests. It is also possible to apply for allocation of the International Securities Identification Number code.
We recognize the deployment of the new online system as a significant step toward the digitalization of CDCP services, which is considered one of the top priorities of CDCP.
Further details can be found on the following link: