UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky
Amendment to Rules of Operation, Executory Decree No. 2 to the Rules of Operation and Scale of Fees of Centralny depozitar cennych papierov SR, a.s. (CDCP)
Mon, 19/04/2021
CDCP, the local CSD, has approved the amendment to the Rules of Operations, Executory Decree No. 2 to the Rules of Operation and the Scale of Fees, effective from 1 May 2021.
Main changes in Rules of Operations are the following:
- CDCP starts to register new issues of Simple Joint-Stock Company (SJSC). New rules define the services for the registration of the shareholders, registration of rights, transfer of shares, pledge, statements. Furthermore shares of SJSC cannot be held on holder’s account.
- CDCP allows the submission of electronically issued Extract from the Slovak business register via e-mail.
- From 14 June 2021, mandatory maintenance window of CDCP/T2S will not occur during the business days. T2S/CDCP may run the optional maintenance window during the business day from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m.
Main changes of the Executory Decree No. 2 to the Rules of operations are the following:
- In case of Failure of the Participant, the requests for services can be e-signed by the authorised certificate, through the Information System of CDCP.
- Link: https://www.cdcp.sk/en/about-cdcp/documents/rules-of-operation/
Main changes of the Scale of Fees are the following:
- Fees for services provided for SJSC.
- CDCP will not apply charges in this Scale of Fees to services provided in connection with the transfer of assets of clients and participants from another central depository to CDCP.
- Link: https://www.cdcp.sk/en/about-cdcp/documents/scale-of-fees/
Impact on investors: Since the shares of SJSC cannot be held under nominee structure, clients should be informed that the investor interested in holding shares of SJSC needs to open individual Owner account. The change in Scale of Fees is connected to the transfer of assets from Narodny centralny depozitar cennych papierov, a.s. to the CDCP.