UniCredit Bank Slovenija d.d.
New price list will be effective on August 1, 2022
Mon, 20/06/2022
Local CSD (KDD) published amended Price List on its web page (here). The new Price List will be effective on August 1, 2022. An English version of new fee schedule will be published at a later stage.
Main changes are the following:
Settlement fee for OTC trades
- FOP Settlement
- maximum fee (securities with stock exchange price) will be increased from EUR 26.68 to EUR 28.18
- maximum fee (securities withoiut stock exchange price) will be increased from EUR 43.42 to EUR 45.42 - DVP Settlement
- maximum fee will be increased from EUR 26.68 to EUR 27.68
Impact on investors: CSD has increased its fees to harmonize them with the growth of consumer prices in Slovenia.