System Outage Update

Global System Impacts continue but currently negligible for GSS
Fri, 19/07/2024

Please be informed that, following on the earlier announcement of the Global System Outage, meanwhile identified as being related to the global incident caused by Microsoft’s CrowdStrike bug, in GSS we are continuing to monitor our operations across all entities.


Currently, almost all GSS markets have reported normal operations. While performance is slightly slower in some cases, SWIFTS are being sent, received, and processed normally.


The only exceptions at this time are in Hungary, where connectivity issues with the local CSD (KELER) continue to block normal processing of trades, and in Austria, where there are some issues with reconciliation for CCP trades.


We will continue to provide updates as they become known.

Impact on investors: Currently UniCredit is experiencing a system outage with limited impact to Securities Operations