Earlier this month Bulgarian Stock Exchange AD (“BSE”) announced the establishment, in cooperation with Deutsche Boerse, of a new equities segment called EuroBridge. The EuroBridge segment will allow Bulgarian issuers’ equities to be dually listed on the BSE and Deutsche Boerse’s XETRA market.
To accommodate the operation of EuroBridge, the BSE has also amended its Listing Rules, specifying the following admission criteria for equities in the new stock exchange segment:
- Trading in EUR
- Instrument registration in TARGET2-Securities (“T2S”)
- Announcement of corporate actions (“CA”) simultaneously in BGN and EUR, as well as CA-related payments to be made in EUR
- Instrument eligibility for admission to trading and information distribution on Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FWB) operated by Deutsche Boerse
- Announcement of regulated information to the public by the issuer in both Bulgarian and English via media of its choice within the deadlines as per applicable legislation
On 25 April 2024, the BSE’s Board of Directors approved the admission of the first equities instrument to the EuroBridge segment – issuer Shelly Group AD, ISIN BG1100003166, BSE ticker SLYG – with the initial trading date to be announced in the near future.. These equities are currently traded on the BSE’s Premium equities segment, as well as on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
Impact on investors: Bulgarian equities can now be traded in EUR on a newly established stock exchange segment called EuroBridge.