New Target Date for EUR Implementation in Bulgaria

UniCredit Bulbank AD
1 January 2025 has been approved by the Government as the new indicative target date for the EUR implementation in Bulgaria
Mon, 13/11/2023

The Bulgarian Government has announced 1 January 2025 as the new indicative target date for the country’s joining the Eurozone. The above date has been stated in the amended National plan for the introduction of the Euro in Bulgaria, which serves to manage the organization of the introduction of the EUR currency, describing the main directions and activities to be undertaken as well as the interactions between the institutions within this process.

Recently, the Bulgarian Government has also updated the Communication strategy for information and publicity of Bulgaria’s accession to the Euro area, the purpose of which is to describe the principles and tasks of the information and communication campaign, its stages, target groups, channels for disseminating information and the responsible institutions.

Related newsflashes:

Forthcoming EUR Adoption in 2024 | Custody | UniCredit Group

Postponement of EURO implementation in Bulgaria | Custody | UniCredit Group


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