Zagreb Stock Exchange to launch new equity index

Zagrebacka Banka d.d.
Zagreb Stock Exchange will launch new equity Prime Market Index CROBEXprime©
Mon, 21/01/2019

Starting as of 18 February 2019 Zagreb Stock Exchange (ZSE) will launch new equity index related to its Prime Market  - CROBEXprime©.

New equity index is a free float market capitalization weighted total return index that will also include dividends in its calculation. It will include all shares listed on the ZSE Prime Market. The weight of each constituent share will be capped to 30%. The base level of CROBEXprime© will be set at 1,000 points, whereas the base date will be 28 December 2018.

Shares listed in the Prime Market will be included in the initial composition of the CROBEXprime©.

CROBEXprime© will be the tenth ZSE equity index.

Impact on investors: As of 18 February 2019 Zagreb Stock Exchange will launch new equity index named CROBEXprime© (Prime Market Index)