The International Monetary Fund congratulated Serbia on its excellent results

UniCredit Bank Serbia JSC
Wed, 26/06/2024

Almost all indicators are at record highs

During the spring session of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group, Serbia was praised as an outstanding example of a country that has consistently demonstrated strong progress.

According to the National Bank of Serbia, IMF high officials have acknowledged the following points:

• Serbia has secured sound policies and high reserves, addressing numerous global challenges effectively.
• The leaders of Serbia are recognized for their excellent performance, as demonstrated by strong economic growth and the attainment of many record-high indicators.
• Congratulations are extended to the authorities for the robust implementation of the current arrangement with the IMF. All program objectives have been met due to the adoption of good policies.
• The cautious approach to monetary policy and the achievement of strong disinflation are welcomed by the IMF.
• Serbia's performance across all indicators is deemed excellent, with record-high foreign exchange reserves, strong disinflation, good fiscal performance, and a low current account deficit.

IMF particularly stressed the extremely positive feedback they get from investors and their perception of Serbia as a country making continuous, strong progress. Almost all indicators are at record highs and the country’s greatest buffers are reflected in a solid macroeconomic position and the maintained macroeconomic stability.