Bulgarian Stock Exchange AD has approved the first equities ISIN to be traded on EuroBridge Segment

UniCredit Bulbank AD
Fri, 12/07/2024

Bulgarian Stock Exchange AD (“BSE”) has announced the start of trading in EUR of on the newly established stock exchange segment, called EuroBridge. As a reminder, this new segment has been created by BSE in cooperation with Deutsche Boerse in order to allow Bulgarian issuers’ equities to be dually listed on BSE and Deutsche Boerse’s XETRA market.

As of 18 July 2024 ISIN BG1100003166, BSE ticker SLYG, will be the first instrument traded on the EuroBridge in EUR and respectively as of the same date it will no longer be traded in BGN on BSE’s Premium Equities Segment. Trades in EUR with ISIN BG1100003166 will be settled in TARGET2-Securities (“T2S”).

ISIN BG1100003166 had already been admitted to trading on the XETRA market as of 29 April 2024.

It is worth noting that the currency of denomination of ISIN BG1100003166 will remain BGN, it is only the trading and settlement currency that will be EUR. As per BSE’s Rules, corporate action-related payments will also be made in EUR.

In order to accommodate smooth migration of settlement from Central Depository AD (“CDAD”) to T2S, BSE will suspend trading in ISIN BG1100003166 on 16 and 17 July 2024. CDAD will likewise suspend settlement of transactions  of the above ISIN for the same period.

On a side note, BSE has established on its website a special page dedicated to EuroBridge segment, where details its advantages, main characteristics, etc. can be found - EuroBridge Market (bse-sofia.bg)

Related newsflash: New Stock Exchange Segment for Equities Trading in EUR | Custody | UniCredit Group


Impact on investors: For information purposes.