Update on SKDD CCP Smart Clear licensing process

Zagrebacka Banka d.d.
College of Regulators issued a positive joint opinion on granting the license to the SKDD-CCP Smart Clear
Fri, 08/10/2021

The Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency (HANFA) confirmed that on 1 October 2021 the College of Regulators adopted a positive joint opinion regarding the issuance of the license to SKDD-CCP Smart Clear Inc. (SKDD-CCP). This will allow the provision of services as a central counterparty in line with the provision of EMIR. The joint opinion stipulates that all requirements set by EMIR have been met and all members of the College of Regulators expressed their consent.

HANFA is now obliged to consider the joint opinion of the College of Regulators and is expected to take a final decision on SKDD-CCP’s licencing request within 30 days.  

Impact on investors: For information purposes only. No direct impact on investors.  

Related Newsflashes:  Update on SKDD-CCP Smart Clear